Vinil wallpaper factory
• Vinil wallpaper factory •


Competitive product it is new technologies and fast reaction for market chancing


Wallpaper factory Vinil LLC is well known leader not only on Ukrainian market but also in the countries of CIS and Europe. Last year the biggest wallpaper producing factory celebrated it’s 20th birthday. For the long time of operating factory became the head producer of original and high quality production. With well known trade mark “Lanita” company produces full range of wallpapers of paper and fliziline base. For the years of hard work wallpaper factory Vinil LLC have god trust of customers and respect of the partners and competitors. Such high level of success became possible with help of all type developing technologies of production, well known of markets requests and all time high quality of the production of our company. Company has the highest technological base between all wallpapers producers in Ukraine and CIS. High production efficiency is got by entering closed production cycle, during which an all stages of production we are using exclusive our own resources: design studio, land laser engraving of the shafts and preparing of vinyl pastes and modern production lines that give possibility to produce more that 3 millions of wallpapers rolls per month.    


Main factor of high quality production is high quality raw materials. Row materials control we make in our own laboratory that is equipped with the most modern European facilities that have received license from government state organization DGCSMS. In this laboratory we check quality of all productions that are produced by wallpaper factory Vinil LLC.


Special decision studio was created at our factory for making the range of our products more wide. High quality professional designers all time looking after new waives and making fast reaction for all changes in fashion of interior decisions. We are making more that ten new decisions of wallpapers every month. It helps wallpaper factory Vinil LLC not only propose to the customers wide range of modern productions but the same to produce individual collections by the drawings of the customer.



Vinil LLC is one of the biggest factories operating on Ukrainian and CIS markets. Factory products that are producing by trade mark “Lanita” could get hearts of the buyers far from Dnepropetrovsk, where is located head office and all production capacities. Main product that is produced by wallpaper factory Vinil LLC is wallpapers based on flizeline (high quality and long  life terms) with low price but without any decreasing in quality same shiny and original wallpapers on paper base. First type of wallpapers that is shown higher advantages are that they are made from more stronger materials (during putting wallpapers on the wall and during life time using). But on another hand, paper base wallpapers can be changed more often (same as it is not so difficult in working process side same it is not so expensive from money size).In global time limit paper based wallpapers in our territory people started to use since the time when people teaches to produce paper crafting machines on our territory (in between XVII and XVIII centuries). Before that time people used cloth as décor elements. More modern types of finishing started to be used not so long time ago: in 40th years of 20th century. Technology of production of such types of wallpapers means putting PVC on the back side of wallpapers. In this case customer can wash or paint front site. On another hand such types of wallpapers looks like more richer. Alternatively paper that is even covered with vinyl can become wet by putted glue more and more popular becomes flizeline based papers. Our company all time discovers new technologies of wallpapers production of the most demanding wallpapers and over 18 years one of leaders between factories of this branch. We can say that day by day customers buy more and more products with trade mark “Lanita” and exclusive collection “Skif”. From the first day of factory operating in the base of success we put high requests not only to the quality of production same as high requests to professional level of production staff. High attention we attaint to the accuracy of making all stages of production. We make all time control on all stages starting from making decision of wallpapers till putting rolls in to the boxes. One more advantage in our production is row materials. All row materials are been importing by our company from Europe and incoming control is making by our own certificated laboratory. Nowadays, products of Vinil LLC have got markets in all comparative ways. And if we combine high quality, clever price, good decision and well packing our products are been chosen not only by final customers. Building companies that using montage works likes to by our wallpapers. Flexible price policy and wide range of modern decisions of our goods TM “Lanita” helps to satisfy requests of customers with any level of finance. Today we can propose you near 20 product groups that includes more that 50 thousands items. At the same time our collection becomes more and more. Marketing information that is been got by our special managers let us tell sure that Vinil LLC not only leader in quality but on another hand in the top of producers whose goods have fashion decision and rules the market.

Buy wallpapers: wholesalers of wallpapers.

Every modern housekeeper knows that interior of the room in the flat depends to the soul feelings of people who leave in this room. If there is gloomy situation at home (grey walls, gloomy grey ceiling) so when you come home you starts to feel that your state of mind slowly move down.

On another hand when you see bright spring colors of everything that around you our spirit mind gets higher and higher even that time when you do not have big reason for funny. That is why interior designers tell that firstly you have to buy wallpapers with correct colors (most parts of the walls and ceiling do not cover with furniture, carpets or tulles).

There are a lot types of building materials on the market today. But in any case wallpapers are still the most popular type of wall coverings. Nowadays wallpaper producers have a lot of solutions in question of decorating walls and ceilings (by picture of wallpapers, by possibility of repainting, by wet protection and so on). Main possibilities are (that help consumer to by rite type of wallpaper): material, decision, price. Our company always kept that the products produced under trade mark “Lanita” and wallpapers Skif to satisfy for all requests of the clients. That is why every customer (both in and out of Ukraine) can be sure in high quality of materials that produced by our factory if he decided to by our wallpapers. Wide choice of wallpapers that proposing Vinil LLC  and hedge range in color types will help to find solution in decorating of walls in any house or flat.

Our priority is wholesaling of wallpapers. Doors of our office are always open for trade representatives of any level. Here you can buy wallpapers from stock or make order for production some type of wallpapers. We are ready to get big volumes of production that give us leading positions on the market.

Deeply worked price policy of the company Vinil LLC supply good possibility in long time and fruitful business relationships with our company with dealers from any regions. Non-stop wholesaling supplies to the markets of Ukraine, countries of CAI and Europe (during more than 15 years) let us to keep leading positions in the least of the companies working on the market of wall coverings.